


"For the Lord is good; 
his mercy is everlasting' and his truth endureth to all generations."
~ Psalm 100:5 ~

     The dictionary definition of mercy includes: forbearance, compassion, disposition to be kind and forgiving.

     This is exactly what the Lord has towards all of mankind -- mercy -- undeserved love.
God could just as easily look at what is happening in the world today, throw up His hands in despair and anger and give us what we all deserve.  But He doesn't.

     God sent His Son, Jesus, to be the substitute for all of us who deserved God's wrath for our sins.  He took our place.  So instead of the punishment we deserve, those who believe in Jesus as their Lord and Savior are now clothed in His righteousness and now receive God's mercy -- undeserved love.

     How long does His mercy last to us as believers -- forever, to all generations who will accept Jesus as Savior.

     If you don't know Jesus as your Savior, repent of your sins and accept Him.  If you do know Him as Savior, praise God for His goodness and mercy.

Written by 
Carol Steficek

Here is a song about mercy...

              "In View of God's Mercy"


  1. God's mercy has resulted in our great gift of forgiveness.

    God bless....

  2. Oh what a wonderful reminder of Whose we are! I remember as a kid the phrase: "He/She made their bed, let them lay in it." I understand the principal and have lived in it at times, learning the hardship of choice, BUT GOD, my favorite two words in all scripture, wants us back! He has moved heaven into earth when His Son walked here, to lift us out of the bed of sin and into His heavenly realm - "such a deal" as another old saying goes. I was stolen from Him and He found me, now I can call God, "Abba!" "Father!" , and He hugs me saying, "Welcome home, daughter!!"
