
"Multi Purposes of The Holy Spirit"...Wednesdag


It seems sometimes to me that the Holy Spirit gets put on the back burner and is just not always recognized for who He was created to be. I did a mini study today on the different purposes of the Holy Spirit which is truly astounding!

Let me share with you what I discovered. The Holy Spirit convicts the world of sin, righteousness and of judgement. He transforms us in the sight of God. He is a huge helper, especially in remembering God's word just at the right time. He helps us to lead a Holy life. He blesses us abundantly with Spiritual gifts for edification. He is our guarantee of eternal life with God. He empowers us to be witnesses for our Lord Jesus Christ. He is our wonderful Comforter in times of need.

Need I say more that the Holy Spirit certainly has multi purposes in life for which I am so very grateful. He is a very vital part in my walk with the Lord and I deem Him very valuable and needed to bring complete fullness in my life with the Lord.

May each of you experience a greater understanding of the Holy Spirit and be filled with the fullness of Lord Jesus Christ.

"But when the Helper comes, 
whom I shall send to you from the Father, 
the Spirit of truth who proceeds from the Father, 
He will testify of Me." 
John 15:26  

In The Richness of the Lord, 
Sandy Billingham

Jesus Culture - Holy Spirit (Passion 2013)

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