
BLOTTED OUT...Saturday

"Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; 
though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool." 
Isaiah 1:18
     I'm a nurse and I know from experience that it is very difficult to get blood stains out of uniforms or other clothing.  Have you ever had a paper cut and found the piece of paper that you were handling had a blood stain on it?  If you've noticed, blood over ink totally blots out the word.

     That's the way it is with our sins for those who believe in Jesus.  He shed his very life blood to blot out our sins forever.  Most of us, even when we forgive, do remember the incident later.  It has always amazed me that the Father says He not only sees us in Christ when we are forgiven, but He doesn't remember our sins anymore.

     Do you know why?  The blood.  Jesus' blood covers our sins so completely that they are gone!  What a concept -- not only gone, but forgotten forever.  Praise God for Jesus' sacrifice for you!

Written by 
Carol Steficek
Here is a song for today 

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