
Feeling the Moments...Friday


I am a nervous person.  One constant in my life as long as I can remember is always being nervous or worrying.  I am realizing that this is the reason for my life long headaches.  Well, I have always pretty much known that, but, I am finally facing the issue and working on correcting it.  The biggest part of helping me correct this issue is being aware of the problem and changing my behaviors.  Slowing myself down enough to realize that I don’t have to be tense all the time, and when I catch myself being tense I stop to relax my shoulders, breathe and stretch my poor neck.  Oh, and most importantly I thank God for making me aware of my tense muscles once again.  For as stubborn as I am and stuck in my ways, I am going to allow Him to break me of them. 

For I know how rebellious and stiff-necked you are. 

Deuteronomy 31:27


There have been some amazing additional benefits of slowing myself down, such as taking in God’s beautiful creations. Even though it is a challenge to change my behavior, I absolutely love it when I pause long enough to see the green grass on the hills, the different shapes of the moon as it glows in the sky at night, as I walk in my neighborhood. I love the peacefulness of the little pond, with the ducks and other water fowl that have made their home there.  One of my absolute favorite creations is trees. I have always loved see the different shapes, with leaves, without leaves, the springtime blossoms,  looking in awe as I see the trees along the coast that have been shaped by the winds of their life on the edge of the land.  The ocean and the seashore….I am the closest to God when I am sitting on the beach, my very favorite place ever.  I realize during these times that they are moments that God has created for us to treasure whilst we are here on earth.  These tiny little scenes of beauty cause us to be still and know, if only for that very moment, that we were created to witness what God made possible for all of us.


 He says, “Be still, and know that I am God;
    I will be exalted among the nations,
    I will be exalted in the earth.”

Psalm 46:10


An absolutely wonderful byproduct of my being still and seeing God’s wonderment is the fact that I now do it intentionally throughout my days.  I want to feel the beauty and see the love of this life God has created in me. Yes, my old tense habits are hard to break, but the reward makes it easier and more refreshing with every passing day, with the result of that being a less frequent need to remind myself to relax and be still, as I am now craving those moments of pure pleasure in my heart, as well as the satisfaction I feel knowing that I am pleasing my Lord and Savior by sharing my joy with the world I am living in.  I am so grateful for the life that God has given me!

The Spirit of God has made me;
    the breath of the Almighty gives me life.

 Job 33:4


Written by
Kelly Dobyns

Here us a song for today sung by Chris Tomlin..."Indescribable"

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