
“Internal Pain”...Friday

February 28, 2014 

I am in the midst of learning to relax.  Whoever thought that relaxation would be so painful???  Well, when you hold everything in for 52.9 years, apparently it builds up and causes muscles to become hard as rocks.  As well as holding feelings in, I have been a chronic worrier.  Over the course of the past ten years I have been told by a massage therapist that my neck is like steel plates. A doctor told me that he would say more like balsa wood, and just this week my physical therapist told me that my upper back was the “Great Wall of China”.  Oh those headaches I used to have….they now seem so mild compared to the current aches of my body from the waist up.  Sometimes it takes me a while to get things through my thick head. What has finally gotten through now is that God can handle all of those worries, concerns, the “What ifs” that I create, the “Oh dears” that come about after something happens when I don’t know what to do.   So many little things that I have worried about, such as what I look like in these pants, how someone is going to judge me because I am overweight, how my hair is not done correctly, I might say the wrong word whilst speaking….etc, etc.

But they would not listen 

and were as stiff-necked as their ancestors, 
who did not trust in the Lord their God.

2 Kings 17:14

New International Version (NIV)

My point to all of this is that my shoulders, neck, back and head should not be burdened with so much stress.  The Lord has always been there for me.  All I have ever had to do was to lay any and all worries at his feet. 

Do Not Worry

 “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes?
Matthew 6:25
New International Version (NIV)

He has been and will continue to be there for me through all of my silly little insignificant tragedies that I manage to make up in my head.  The key for me is to remember how much my adoring Father loves me every moment of every day.  He would love nothing more than for me to begin each day with a wake up prayer turning my day over to my sweet Lord, to give Him all my insecurities and silly little worries that I manage to create.  I don’t need to burden myself with those little things that I make into major things and cause myself so much pain internally and now outwardly.  I will be spending the rest of my life practicing relaxation in just such a way….not only for the best interest of my healthy, but for the love that God has for me.

God loves us so much that it hurts Him when we don’t trust Him enough to know that He will take care of us.  That is all we need to do…Love Him and trust Him with our lives.

When I am afraid, I put my trust in you.

Psalm 56:3

New International Version (NIV)

Written by
Kelly Dobyns

Here my song for today...sung by Jeremy Camp singing "My God"


  1. We are told that we need not worry because God has us in the palm of His hand and loves us beyond understanding. Still we face challenges in life. Still we must not let our challenges make us doubt and worry. Our Father loves us and will turn sorrow into joy.

    God bless

    1. Yes indeed! That is what I need to plant into my brain. Give it to Him! No more worries, no more pain! :-) He is so good to us....but, we have to let Him be!!
