
When I am in Trouble....Monday


On a day like today, when I am feeling out of sorts, a little frustrated, and unsure about the path I am on. When I find I am questioning some decisions I have made and am wearing myself out by repeatedly weighing the pros and cons in my mind. When I am sensitive to what people say to me, and wondering if they even care, I know I am in trouble.

First and foremost, when God brings my condition to my attention, I sit up and take notice. I stop and look around at my situation to make an initial assessment about what is going on in the world around me and within me.

Secondly, I do not make any decisions. I don't cancel anything, and I don't add anything to my schedule. Past experience has taught me that I make poor decisions when I am 'in a funk' or 'out of sorts' because no matter how I feel, I am not thinking clearly or with God's plan in mind.

Thirdly, I pray and wait for God's peace. Sometimes I feel better and have confidence in just a few hours, but more often, I have to push through the waiting, and make myself be patient when it's the last thing I want to do.

Then God's Word reminds me what I should be doing:

Celebrate God all day, every day. I mean, revel in him!
Make it as clear as you can to all you meet that you’re on their side,
working with them and not against them.
Help them see that the Master is about to arrive.
He could show up any minute! (v 4-5)
And how I should be thinking:
Don’t fret or worry.
Instead of worrying, pray.
Let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers,
letting God know your concerns.
Before you know it, a sense of God’s wholeness,
everything coming together for good,
will come and settle you down.
It’s wonderful what happens
when Christ displaces worry at the center of your life.
Philippians 4:4-7 The Message

Dear Lord, thank You for showing me when I am in trouble, and have stepped off of Your path. I am grateful that You never sleep or turn away but are always watching over each of us, no matter where we are, no matter our situation. Thank You for Your protection and for Your Holy Spirit leading us back into Your truth. In Jesus name, amen.

"The Words I Would Say" by Sidewalk Prophets (lyrics video): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8t9u-LOa3OI

Written by
Mary M. Wilkins


  1. We all need to alow down to consider what is causing us to slow down and really consider what is causing us to react or to think about what is behind our feelings of discomfort or dissatisfaction about our issues...well written. Mary!

    God bless...

  2. Thank you so much, Mary, for such a great reminder of how to walk through this bumpy road of life. I had to do that exact process when on Friday when I was attacked by a person with very hurtful words. I wanted to hide, but, what I did was keep my head up. Shed a few tears, talked to a safe friend and carried on with my plans for the day. Praise the Lord! There were so many days that I would have not been able to do that. I love my life sharing with you beautiful women.
