
"He Loves Me, He Loves Me, He Loves Me, He Loves Me"...Wednesday


Sometimes we as God's daughters may seem to think at times our Lord is not really interested in all the details of our life. Maybe we don't see the need of being keenly specific with our prayers before Him. But I have first hand discovered that our God is very interested in every big and little detail of our life because of His great love for us.

In April I will be turning 60. I told my husband I did not want to let this birthday pass by without doing something extra special. On the top of my list was a "Special Party Cruise" in our city.The only hitch was, it is fairly expensive and just to reserve a date they are asking for a sizable amount for a down payment. My husband was not too excited about it knowing we are facing many other expenses.

So my next step was to bring it to my Heavenly Father and ask that He provide for the down payment. I know this was not a need but a want for me. But I know the Lord loves to bless His kids. So I had been diligently praying for the Lord to provide that down payment. Yesterday as I opened up our mailbox I saw a piece of mail that looked like there was a check in it. Sure enough it was. It was a check that we were not even expecting at all. And to top it off, the check was a few dollars extra then what I needed for the payment.
I was ecstatic!! I got on my knees and thanked my precious Lord for His provision! Just like we as parents like to bless our children with special gifts, our Heavenly Father loves to do the same for us. He is good all the time!

 "Give thanks to the God of heaven,
for His steadfast love endures forever.

"Psalm 136:26

In His Rich Love,
Sandy Billingham

The song for today is...God Loves You" sung by Jaci Velasquez


1 comment:

  1. It is such a blessing when a prayer is answered. This was a good result, and a birthday blessing for you, my friend.

    God bless...
