
"Intriguing Difference"...Wednesday

03 05 14

I have always been fascinated in the vast difference God made man and woman. Women tend to have much stronger emotions and sharper communication skills whereas men tend to be more logical and technologically inclined. The beautiful thing is that men and women, when they become one in marriage, complement each other in their strengths. God certainly knew what He was doing!

For example, even in my own marriage, I can be highly emotional and be thinking in one hundred different directions at one time. Whereas my husband comes across in most cases as very calm and very focused. I truly see how in our marriage we strongly complement each other.

God wired man and woman's brains so amazingly different making for the dynamics of life so fascinating and electrifying with the human race! There is no doubt in my mind as God's word says so perfectly...

 "I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: 
Marvelous are Your works; and that my soul knows very well."
Psalm 139:14

God's works are "off the charts marvelous" making us to readily shout from the rooftops that is great to be alive!!

In His Amazing Love,
Sandy Billingham

The song for today is  "Amazing Grace " sung by the Celtic  Women

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