
My Battle to Believe...Monday


I felt lighter than I had in months as I hugged one last friend before getting in my car. It had been a good night for me. I had finally opened up to my Bible study group and shared the struggle I was facing with my health. After I confessed the fears that had kept me in silence, they had all agreed to be praying for me, and standing in faith believing for a miracle from God.

I strode into the medical building, waited patiently for my name to called, then confidently pushed up my sleeve for the lab technician to draw my blood. I was feeling strong and sure that my numbers would show how God was already working in my body. I was thanking God for being so gracious to me by providing such a loving and positive support group. Why had I resisted asking for prayer and support? Clearly God was just waiting for me to be obedient and open, now that I had, I could almost feel the cells in my body doing all the things that they should do.

Every time I checked the clock I sighed. I needed to get some sleep. But the images of the charts showing my blood work results kept coming to the front of my mind. They all had one thing in common. Whichever direction they were supposed to be heading, they were going the opposite. I was more than a little disappointed. They had been improving over the past few weeks.

As I had faced my fears, talked openly with the people in my life, I somehow had gotten the notion that I was entering the final stretch of this struggle in my body. But in the quiet of a sleeping house, I thought about a message I had just heard at conference.

"When the Israelites were finally entering the Promised Land they were probably feeling great relief. We are finally here! No doubt there were many different expectations regarding what they would find waiting for them. The land flowing with milk and honey was certain to be sweet and pleasant."

"Instead the Israelites are told to go fight the strongest city, Jericho. At least some of them were surprised to find they were going to have to fight for their Promised Land."

"That's me, Lord," I prayed. "I was surprised to see another hill to climb in front of me. But I will choose to trust You, and wait on You. I will fight thoughts of fear with thoughts of faith. What I absolutely know You will do for others (heal them) I will believe You will do for me."
But, O my soul, don’t be discouraged.
 Don’t be upset. Expect God to act!
 For I know that I shall again
 have plenty of reason to praise him
 for all that he will do.
 He is my help! He is my God!
Psalm 42:11 TLB
Written by Mary M. Wilkins

Today's song is sung by Casting Crowns - "Praise You In This Storm"


  1. When a friend is facing challenges with health, it is easy to face doubt. Still, in the light of the courage of a friend, one can go to God with renewed faith and trust that He has a plan and a future in mind for her life. Thank you for the share. You lift us up.

    Love and God bless

  2. In Isaiah it says by His stripes you are healed In II Peter it saw you were healed. Mary recieve what our God has already done for you. Your healing was put on the cross over two thousands years ago. I know what the symptons say but the Truth is you are the healed of the Lord. You are His precious daughter and He has only great and beautiful gifts for His presious daughter.
