
My Struggle to Share...Monday


In the popular BBC series Downton Abby, the young man Branson is overwhelmed with a burden of guilt for something that he did. When his sister-in-law, Mary, asks him what is troubling him, he responds, "If I told you, you'd never speak to me again." Having worked through her own dark secrets, she understands his hesitation, but she concludes by encouraging him to "Talk to someone you can tell."

I am a perfect example of how easy it is for any of us to carry burdens within that are heavy and need prayer. I have known for 5 years that my body wasn't well. Yet I didn't share because I knew other's had struggles, I didn't want to bother the group, I was afraid of having a fuss made, I thought I was handling it just fine, I was afraid talking about it would make it worse in me emotionally and mentally.

It turns out all of these things are wrong. They are white-washed lies. A white-washed lie is a LIE that has a coat of white paint washed over it, to give it an appearance of truth. A lie may have a sound of sense and reason to it, but it is only successful at encouraging isolation. We are not made to be alone.

When God showed me a few weeks ago that I had withdrawn and was keeping others at arm's length, I was a little surprised. As my isolation had increased I had explained it away as busy schedules and busy lives. He didn't tell me I needed to share with others in order for me to be free from isolation. He had me share with others to provide accountability to me! If people around me didn't know what was going on - no one could check on how my thinking was going. How my prayer life was holding up?  Letting other's in on my struggle has provided a bridge of communication, which has created accountability.

Please open up and let others be your support group. Let us love on and pray over you. Give us the privilege of standing with you in prayer as you walk the path God has for you. We will not judge you. There is nothing you have done that is new under the sun. But it doesn't matter, because we are sister's in Christ, and we love you and accept you just the way you are. Do not struggle on alone - be brave - and share.

Share each other's burdens,
and in this way obey the law of Christ.
Galatians 6:2 NLT

Dear Father, You alone know each of our hearts and every one of our struggles. Please help each of us to know with whom we should share, and to humble ourselves and ask for prayer. In Jesus name, amen.

Written by Mary M. Wilkins

Laura Story performs: "I Can Just Be Me"


  1. What a privilege to be entrusted with your story. We are all blessed to be admitted to your prayer team and pray for you. Thank you Mary.

    God bless

  2. thanks for Sharing Mary, I'm praying for you! love laura
