


"Not by might nor by power, 
but by my Spirit, says the Lord Almighty."
 Zechariah 4:6b

Jesus is looking for people to go out and do His work.  He's not looking at "capability" but rather "availability."

     Throughout the pages of Scripture we see God accomplishing whatever He wants in spite of the people whom He has chosen.  Many have been reluctant followers and many have been unbelievers whom God has still used as His chosen instruments to accomplish His purposes.

    The same goes for today.  God is looking for willing workers in this world to spread the gospel to all people.  God is not looking for people who are necessarily capable -- He will provide that by the power of His Spirit.  God wants to receive His due glory for what is accomplished and He does this best through those of us who seem the least able to do what He asks.

     When you answer His calling for your life, whatever form that may be in, don't look at yourself and what you think you can handle.  Look to Him.

Written by
Carol Steficek


  1. This is a good thought. We should always be ready (even if we lack confidence) to make ourselves available to serve the Lord.

    God bless...

  2. AMEN Thank you for the reminder

  3. God does not call only gifted people, he give the gifts needed to those he calls. (He doesn't call the qualified, he qualifies the called)
