

Devotional for 5/4/14

Businesses take an inventory, often at the end of a particular season or at the end of the year.  They do this for several reasons.  First they need to know what they have in stock, and what it is worth. They also need to note what is broken, not working or not selling.  They don't just count and list the items to know what is there.  It is also needed so that they can make changes or new purchases, etc.  It guides their future actions in their business.  Without an inventory they operate blindly or by guessing, which could lead to mistakes that might be devastating to the business.  

We can also take a personal inventory.  It can help us know where we are doing well and where we need work or help.  Inappropriate behaviors, or sinning directly against the commandments might come to mind. We may think we are doing fairly well because we haven't overtly broken the commandments.  Maybe we haven't murdered anyone or stolen anything or worshipped a golden idol.  However, most of us realize there is much more to it that that.  Have we done everything we can to help other people?  Have we gone to God in prayer over everything in our lives, both blessings and trials?  Is God first in our lives every minute of every day?  Have we kept all our thoughts pure and clean?  If not, we have broken the commandments in more subtle ways.  But there are more things about our character or behaviors that are damaging to our relationship with God.  Resentments, being fearful, inappropriate anger, seeking approval of others, co-dependent care-taking, being controlling or manipulative, isolating, self-loathing, being perfectionistic, being irresponsible.  We are good at denial, at ignoring the various ways we falter. 

James 1:21 (26 kb)None of us is perfect, but we can also take note of the positives about ourselves.  It can help us keep a healthy balance in our self image and allows us to praise and give thanks to God for his blessings in our lives.  This list can include  our faith in the one true God, helping our neighbor, supporting our family, and trusting in God.  

Once we have a more complete view of ourselves, we can ask God to forgive us and to help us change what is negative and to reinforce what is positive.  We don't do this to earn salvation.  We do this out of thankfulness for his free gift of eternal life for us, and so that we can be his witnesses here on earth to others.  The faith in Jesus that God planted in us by his Holy Spirit will grow and bloom in our lives!

Therefore, get rid of all moral filth and the evil that is so prevalent and humbly accept the word planted in you, which can save you.  James 1:21

written by Jan Andersen


  1. This is a good inventory of what a person should inventory in order to find her good and her shortcomings. Then to invite God to show you how and what to change will mean an advance in the goodness of the business of your life.

    God bless...

  2. There was so much more that I could have written! But I will let God fill in the blanks :)
