
The Power of Prayer...Tuesday


An article in Guidepost describes prayer well….. 

“The main purpose of prayer— 
whether traditional Christian prayers, daily Bible verses, spontaneous pleas for help or expressions of praise and thanksgiving—is to connect us to a Higher Power, to deepen our relationship to our Lord, and to affirm our hope and  faith in God’s love”. 

Prayer is a very powerful tool that many Christians do not use nearly enough. I wonder, if we really, I mean truly, realize how awesome, mighty, and powerful our God is, would our prayers be a simple “thank you for this day” or “please bless this food we are about to eat”? Would we only give our God the last 5 minutes of our day, as we lay our head on the pillow and try not to fall asleep before we utter the word, Amen?

When you hear of a prayer request, do you actually pray? Sadly, some Christians promise to pray for a person or a situation but never follow through. If we really believed that God answers prayers, would we pray more often? Would we truly lift up our brothers and sisters during their time of need?

Mark 11:24 reads, 
Therefore I tell you, 
whatever you ask 
in prayer, 
believe that you 
have received it, 
and it will be yours”.

Do you believe this Scripture verse to be true? If so, are you tapping into that power…or does your faith need some fine tuning?

Let us be prayer warriors and true to our word. If we tell someone we are going to lift him or her up in prayer, let’s not forget or allow anything to hinder our prayer time for that person. The enemy knows how powerful prayer can be. He will try anything to stop the connection we have with our God.

Written by
Storm H.

1 comment:

  1. I hope, that after reading, the power of prayer will be even better known and understood. Love the song as well.

    God bless
