
Let God help you heal...Monday

Mercy Me has a song that has this line in it…
“I’m alive even though a part of me has died…”

Many times in our lives a part of us dies. There are so many reasons, but we know that this happens to every person. Here are some of the things that bring us down and a part of the sunniness we were created with feels the life go out.

Sally could sing this line because her mother had cancer and lost her battle when Sally was only seven. Maria loved someone who did not love her. Nancy had an accident and could no longer walk. Janie was attacked when someone sneaked into her apartment one night. Bob lost his job and ended up homeless. The list goes on and on.

Please listen to this song and then finish reading the devotional.

Here are some things I have had to face. Your hurts may have been different, but we all have had to deal with issues.

The Hurt…My mother would suddenly proceed from an innocent conversation into world war The reasons were bizarre and there was no warning or escape from it.
The Healer’s Help…Since my mother died God slowly showed me that she had been suffering from Bipolar disease. There were not medicines for this affliction in those days. When I understood her situation I was able to forgive her in my heart.

The Hurt…I was always in trouble in school. I would get my work done before the other kids, and then do something unacceptable that distracted the other children. When this happened I felt guilty and could not understand why I did these things. I decided I was bad.
The Healer’s Help…When I was in eighth grade I had a teacher who always kept me busy. She was also the principal of the school and she was always sending me to another teacher with a note or letting me help out somewhere when my work was done. She told my parents that I worked quickly with quality work. She said, “How can she help being bored?” When I was promoted to high school my mother told me what she said. My actually understood me, and that was an incredible relief to my self-image.

The Hurt…When I chose my life partner and was planning my wedding I asked a woman who had been at my college and was now teaching in the school where I was a first grade teacher. I asked her to be a bridesmaid and she said yes. Then a couple of weeks later she said she could not be in my wedding. She said she did not believe in mixed marriages. Since he was a Moslem I thought she meant religion. It was not that. She had been talking about race. My Indian husband to be was not white and she disapproved. I could not even answer her.
The Healer’s Help…He showed me immediately that she was off the mark. He provided me with  the strength to not allow myself to be hurt. I asked another friend, and my wedding was wonderful without her.

These are just three of the hurts I have had to endure. Some are much more impactful than these. Some of them are still being addressed and the recovery is not final. However, I know from past experiences that if I let the Healer collide with my Hurt.

I ask you to let the Healer collide with your Hurt. He will find you glory even in the hurts you go through, and you will find understanding and healing.

Written by

Corinne Mustafa

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