


"To this end I labor, struggling with all his energy,
 which so powerfully works in me." 
Colossians 1:29

Life is more of a struggle than a pleasure most times.  We all have so many obligations which pull us in various directions that sometimes our schedules become overwhelming.  We have families, jobs, churches, community organizations, sports sessions to take children to or attend ourselves, school papers to write, homework to do, 
things to fix around the house,
 pets to care for 
-- the list goes on.

     Do you get up some mornings already tired just thinking about all of it?

     Look at what the apostle Paul was able to accomplish in the midst of hardships and struggles the likes of which most of us will never see.

     We dare not forget that we cannot survive on our own nor accomplish all of this purely by our own strength.  That is one of the best reasons for starting the day with daily devotions and prayer.  God has more than enough power to supply us with just for the asking.  In addition, He will help us set priorities and get things done more quickly if we but rely on His wisdom and guidance.

     Be energized -- be grounded in God.

Written by
Carol Steficek

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