
From East to West...Tuesday


Casting Crowns sings a song called "East to West". 
There is one part that goes like this… 
“I know you've cast my sin as far as the east is from the west”

We are all sinners. We sin all the time, sometimes even without thinking about it. Some people think of sin as a big event; stealing, cheating, committing adultery, etc. Humans tend to categorize sin. What about gossiping? Having a bad thought about someone? Telling a little “white lie”? Sin is sin, no matter how big or small we think it might be. We all deserve to pay the consequences. The very fact that God sent His only Son to die on the cross so that our sins could be forgiven always amazes me. Jesus could have said “enough is enough” at any moment. However, He chose to take the lashes, the beatings, and the nails for us. Wow! Think about it!

Because of what Jesus did on the cross, our sins can be forgiven, wiped away, as far as the east is from the west.

Psalms 103:12 reveals, 
He has removed our sins as far from us as 
the east is from the west”.

Just how far is east from the west? It is endless. When we truly repent God casts our sins to the point of no return.

“You are always going east if you go east. There is no going west when you are going east. This is because the world is round and even if you flatten it out you will end up on the other side of the map once you hit the edge of the eastern side of the map. You will still be going east”. The same goes for west. Once you go west, if you keep going in that direction, you will always be going west, not east.

God could have said that our sins would be cast as far as the North is from the South. However, after you pass a pole, you will be going south, but there is no pole east to west, so you could (theoretically if there is a path of infinite land) continuously go east forever, or west forever.
God knows what He is doing!

Let’s thank Him today for His mercy, 

His forgiveness. 

Written by 
Storm Hendrickson

Here is the song for today by Casting Crowns

1 comment:

  1. This is a concept that has always captured my imagination. East and West cannot meet on a straight line. The straight line here is the space by the two hands of Jesus nailed on opposite sides (east and west) of the cross. This is another of God's wondrous works towards us.

    God bless...
