
“True Prosperity"...Thursday


Beloved, I wish above all things 
that you may prosper and be in health, 
even as your soul prospers. 
(3 John 2)

To the western mind, prosperity usually means material wealth. Some in the church have been offended by teachings on prosperity and have overreacted by stopping their giving and encouraging others to be 'free' from giving. But is that the right approach?
Money is just one extension of the heart. To separate money from the rest of topic of prosperity is wrong. Prosperity first and foremost is spiritual. A re-created spirit is spiritual prosperity! We have been translated from death to life! Prosperity is mental. 

A mind renewed to the Word of God and in touch with the wisdom of God is a prosperous mind. Prosperity is emotional. The fruit of the Spirit flowing through us is ultimate emotional prosperity. Prosperity is also physical. Health and healing in our bodies is physical prosperity. Finally, prosperity is material. God desires that we have an abundance for every good work. Material prosperity will be different for everyone based upon the call of God on their lives and the level of prosperity they are experiencing spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically.

Material prosperity is an extension of prosperity in every other area of life. If I am walking in prosperity in my spirit, my mind and my emotions, and I am walking in God’s purpose for my life, my giving will be an extension and a demonstration of the prosperity I already enjoy in my relationship with God. Money will be an expression of faith and thanksgiving. If I reduce God's promise of prosperity to a mathematical formula while not being prosperous in my spirit, mind, emotions, etc., then I have perverted the power of the gospel. It’s not about money! It is about the transformed heart responding in love to the One who transformed it!

Jesus gave us the keys of the Kingdom. It would be foolish to throw away the keys of giving and receiving, and sowing and reaping simply because we have been offended by some who have abused the principle. Giving is not a work. It is the response of a heart that has been transformed by the love of God, and the grace of God will cause that giver to have more than enough in order to accomplish their purpose in Him.

Written by 
B. Bennett 
Instructor...Charis Bible College 

1 comment:

  1. In the Bible there there is a question posed asking what is the benefit of gaining the whole world if you loose your soul. To give it all away for material gain will lead to this loss.

    God bless
