
"We Need Each Other"...Wednesday


This past Sunday I was ever so blessed to watch the body of Christ ministering at different levels. I watched the leaders for the Children's ministry preparing and praying for the morning. In the foyer I saw a woman encouraging another that was going through a rough time. I also saw one of our ministers blessing one of our lay people that was getting ready to go on a mission trip very shortly. I saw lots of fellowshipping, blessing and hugging before the actual service. And the list went on and on. It totally warmed my heart to see the body of Christ doing what the body of Christ is supposed to do.

God's word tells us in I Corinthians 12:12
 "Just as a body though one, 
has many parts but all its many parts form one body, 
so it is with Christ." 

We know that Christ is the head of the body and we as the body are each used in different ways as the Lord so sees fit. Each part is so significantly important and operates in his or hers gifting.

That is how I saw it this past Sunday. The body was ministering in different capacities in such a beautiful way. Everyone was doing their part and God's life was flowing out of each one.

We as the body truly need each other. No one can do it alone. The body of Christ has different strengths and each is needed to fulfill God's ministry here on earth.

I feel amazingly blessed to be a part of God's family and to be surrounded by all my brothers and sisters as well as we serve the Lord wholeheartedly until he takes us home to be with Him eternally!

In His Great Love,
Sandy Billingham

1 comment:

  1. Sandy gave a good description of how people at her church were acting like the Body of Christ should...reaching out to each other. The opposite of this is the subject of a Casting Crowns song, "If we are the body." They ask, "if we are the body why aren't our hands moving." He uses us to reach out to the rest of His church body.

    God bless...
