
Yes, Please...Friday


I finished a book a few months back that I am about to read again.  This book is titled, “What Happens When Women Say Yes to God”.  In just the first few pages I am seeing how many things that I have highlighted.  Excellent reminders of how I need to live my life.  I get so caught up in the dullness of my daily life that I spend way too much time fretting and feeling sorry for myself about how things are not just the way I want them to be.  How did I get to 53 years of age and still feel the same struggles that I had when I was much younger?  My life circumstances have come so far, but I am still the same “Ho Hum Kelly”.  Ugh!!

“A holy God in the middle of life’s mundane activities 
will change your life.”  

This is on page 15 highlighted in bright pink.  Clearly I need to carry this book with me, until it is etched in my brain to live this sentence out loud! 

Love God, your God, with your whole heart: 
love him with all that’s in you, love him with all you've got!
Deuteronomy 6:5

This I also must remember, My Father God is always with me and I need to keep Him in the center of everything that I do.  I can live a life full of passion when I expect to feel and see God in even the tiniest of my life moments.  I want that!  I want to live that passion filled life.  I have become such a sad and anxiety filled woman because I have not been living my life saying “Yes” to God.  I not only want to say, “Yes”, but I am going to go so far as to say, “Heck Yes” to God.  I can be so good at telling others to do that, but I forget to do it myself.  Starting today, my little pink book is going everywhere with me, and I am putting post it notes that read “Heck Yes, God” in many strategic places to be that constant reminder to me that I can live with passion when I live with God!

Written by
Kelly Dobyns

1 comment:

  1. I love it when I can feel God's nearness. We need to be willing to say "yes" to Him and we will become more aware of His Presence. Sounds like a good book Kelly. Good topic!

    God bless...
