


"We were therefore buried with him 
through baptism into death in order that, 
just as Christ was raised from the dead 
through the glory of the Father, 
we too may live a new life."
Romans 6:4

Do you know that in the eyes of God you have two birthdays?  Everyone celebrates their 'birthday' -- the day we were born into this world.  However, how many of you remember and celebrate an even more important day -- the day you were baptized?

     My Mother's birth certificate is framed and hanging in our living room.  It is beautifully done in ink and calligraphy -- depicting angels holding an open Bible and Jesus holding a lamb in His arms. 

     The day of your baptism is indeed a special day.  With the water and the Word you became a child of God and heir of heaven through Jesus Christ.

     Life on earth is temporary and short at best, even if you live to be 100.  Baptism marks the day when you will live forever with God.  Remember this year to celebrate the day you were 'born again.'!

Written by
Carol Steficek


  1. Two important birthdays...the natural, physical one and the spiritual one. I am told that there are celebrations in heaven when we come to Jesus and accept Him. My spiritual birthday in January 26th. Do you know the date of your spiritual birthday? The date isn't as serious to know as the the fact that you have invited Jesus into your heart. If anyone has either birthday today, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

    God bless...
