
City on a Hill...Tuesday


There is a song called City on a Hill that is sung by the group called Casting Crowns. When I listen to the words of the song I think about all the people who have left the church for one reason or another. Sometimes people leave because the Pastor refuses to preach what their itching ears want to hear. Sometimes people leave because the pastor is preaching what itching ears want to hear, even if it means sugar coating Scripture or worse, twisting it to make a wrong seem right. Some people leave because their heart or pride has been wounded. Others leave because they do not feel welcomed. Sadly, there are too many churches out there with empty pews. A great deal of these pews remain empty because churches have fallen short of God’s plan for His people. The light from the city has become dull. 

God wants us to be united, grounded in His word. He desires for His people to be lights in this dark world. We are supposed to be helping each other out. Instead, many people who claim to be followers of Christ are doing more harm than good. The Holy Spirit calls Christians to lift each other up, be a beacon to the lost, offer a word of encouragement to the broken hearted, welcome the unwanted, etc. Unfortunately, some Christians are so busy gossiping, complaining, comparing their lives to others, and being judgmental that it is becoming hard to tell a Christian from a non-believer.

Here are a few common comments non-believers say about Christians according to Thom S. Rainer from the Christian Post (2012)….

1. Christians are against more things than they are for...
   "It just seems to me that Christians are mad at the world and mad at each other. They are so negative that they seem unhappy. I have no desire to be like them and stay upset all the time."

2.   I would like to develop a friendship with a Christian.
     "I'm really interested in what they believe and how they carry out their beliefs. I wish I could find a Christian that would be willing to spend some time with me."

3.   I don't see much difference in the way Christians live compared to others.
      "I really can't tell what a Christian believes because he doesn't seem much different than other people I know. The only exception would be Mormons. They really seem to take their beliefs seriously."

We are the city on the hill. Our light should reflect Jesus Christ and it should draw the lost into the fold. There are many Scriptures verses that teach how followers of Jesus should act, not just behind the four walls of a church, but in our everyday walk.

\                                      Hebrews 10:24-25 says, 
And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, 
not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, 
but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.”

1 John 2:6 states, 
“Whoever says he abides in him
ought to walk in the same way in which he walked.”

2 Timothy 2:15 reveals,
"Do your best to present yourself to God
as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed,
 rightly handling the word of truth.”

Let the city on the hill shine again! Let God’s people come together, with one purpose, one goal. To help bring as many lost souls to Christ as we can, while there is still time.

Written by 
Storm Hendrickson

Did you hear of the city on a hill?
Said one old man to the other
It once shined bright and it would be shining still
But they all started turning on each other

You see the poets thought the dancers were shallow
And the soldiers thought the poets were weak
And the elders saw the young ones as foolish
And the rich man never heard the poor man speak

And one by one they ran away
With their made up minds to leave it all behind
And the light began to fade in the city on a hill
The city on a hill

Each one thought that they knew better
But there were different by design
Instead of standing strong together
They let their differences divide

And one by one they ran away
With their made up minds to leave it all behind
And the light began to fade in the city on a hill
The city on a hill
And the world is searchin' still

But it was the rhythm of the dancers that gave the poets life
It was the spirit of the poets that gave the soldiers strength to fight
It was the fire of the young ones, it was the wisdom of the old
It was the story of the poor man that needed be told
It is the rhythm of the dancers that gives the poets life
It is the spirit of the poets that gives the soldiers strength to fight
It is the fire of the young ones, it is the wisdom of the old
It is the story of the poor man that's needing to be told

One by one, will we run away?
With our made up minds to leave it all behind
As the light begins to fade in the city on a hill?
One by one, will we run away?
With our made up minds to leave it all behind
As the light begins to fade in the city on a hill?
The city on a hill

Come home
And the Father's calling still
Come home
To the city on the hill
Come home

1 comment:

  1. Christians should be such that people who watch them see them as different and want what we have. It would be good to read those quotes and strive to behave in a way that is opposite to what people think. Sometimes we are the only Jesus that people see.

    God bless...
