
"Free Will"...Part 2 of 4...Thursday

If you would like to reread Part 1 of this series here is the link...
             (Please copy and paste it into your browser to read.)

What I have been led to believe is the following;

If God was in control we would have no free will, we would not have a choice.  Does God not give us a choice to choose his son Jesus Christ?  Did he make you choose him?  Or did you come to Him by choice?  As for me I chose Him, he did not make me. 

Let’s go back to the Garden of Eden did God take away choice from Adam and Eve?  NO.  Was not Adam told not to eat of the tree of Good and Evil?  But he did anyway.  If we did not have a choice even back then why didn’t God come down and say no or remove the tree from them? 

From the beginning of time God has given us free will, a choice.  So my question to you is if we have free will and a choice how could God be in control of everything?  If He has given the earth to us how could he be in control of what happens here on earth? 

Do I believe God is Sovereign? You bet! If you use the word correctly, which is supreme ruler-head-authority-rank then to say God is sovereign then you are correct, but to use it any other way is incorrect. 
Do I believe God is the head?  You bet! Do I believe God is the supreme ruler? Yes I do.  But unfortunately religion has come along and changed the true meaning of what sovereign means which states that nothing can happen without His permission.  This means God allows for bad things to happen to us.

It was not God who ate of the tree of good and evil, it was man.  It was man that brought death, sickness and wickedness into this world, NOT GOD.

God came to deliver us from sickness and death.  Satan came to kill, steal and destroy.

 The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; 
I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.  
John 10:10

If we really believe that God was in control of everything, what is the point of doing anything?  Why do anything because God’s will will come to pass?  It can only be one way or another.  Either God has given us free will, choice. or he has not.  Where would your free will be if he controlled everything?

Is he not a God that does not lie?  He is a good God, he wants only great and wonderful things for us.  Why do you think he sent his son to die for us, so we would have a choice to choose Him or our own way
God by grace provides everything, but you have complete freedom of choice whether or not Gods perfect will comes to pass or not.  It does not happen without your co-operation.

Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly 
abundantly above all that we ask or think, 
according to the power that works in us,  
Ephesians 3:20

Do you see it say that we ask or think, not what God thinks or asks, but what we ask or think.

God’s will does not come to pass automatically.  God is only in control if we give him permission.  He cannot move without our permission.  Does it not say that he waits for us?

So then you ask if God is good why does he allow murder, allow people to be raped, why does he allow children to be molested.  Yes God is sovereign all knowing, omnipotent, he is a sovereign God, he is sovereign raining over his creation, BUT within his sovereignty he created a man that is you and me, he created human beings and he created them in his image and in his likeness and he made them little sovereigns, he gave them a free will out of his love for man he chose to not make us robots, he chose to not make it instinctively on the inside to serve him and instinctively to worship him.  He truly gave us a free will.  For there to be a free will for us to be sovereign creatures under the most high sovereign there must be choice.  We must be able to choose, it is the love of God for man to choose.  Man is making bad choices.  It is not God allowing murder, it is us, it is not God allowing all this wickedness it is us.  We can sit back and blame God all we want, we can wonder why God this and why God that or we can live righteous lives and we can embraces righteousness and holiness and God's Word and we can resist and stand up to wickedness and unrighteousness.  If we do not stand up then wickedness and unrighteousness will rain and we will have more murder, rape, pornography, children molested and sexually abused why we sit in our religious life’s wondering why God is allowing this.  God is not allowing this we are.

God has given the sons of man the earth.  We have authority on the earth, we have dominion in the earth, we have to subdue things on the earth.  We have authority as the people of God. We are sovereign creatures under the ultimate sovereign God.  We have to take some responsibility for what goes on in the earth and execute our authority and dominion righteously here on the earth.  God gave us the earth.

As for me I believe I serve a good God.  As for me I choose for God to direct my life.  As for me I choose to take authority over the enemy and his works.  As for me I to take responsibility for what God has given me.  I choose not to blame God.  God has shown me time and time again that he loves me, that he cares for me, that he provides for me.

Written by
Kathryn Hanson


  1. It is a difficult concept to think of God relinquishing control of so much to us, His creatures.The truth is that if he did not do this then whatever choices we make would not be choices but rather things we have to do and would be meaningless.

    God bless...

  2. I decided to look for the scripture that indicates God has given the sons of man the earth. Check out Genesis 1:26 which says God has given man dominion over all the earth. The definition of dominion: area of rule; authority; power; control; jurisdiction.

    Something to think about! God will lead us into all truth!
