
"Freedom In Jesus"...Monday

I am ever so thankful for the freedom I have received from Christ since I have surrendered my life to Him. It was through His Holy Spirit that He revealed my need to invite Him into my life. It was by His Spirit that He showed me that only through Christ could I enter into the Kingdom of God. Before I had a relationship with Christ I was walking in pure darkness . Many people were praying for me and sharing His Word with me. In God's perfect time, He showed me rich truth that brought beautiful freedom in my life.

God's word tells us...  

"Now the Lord is the Spirit and
where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom." 
2 Corinthians 3:17

I embrace that scripture ever so tight! Where the Lord is, His Spirit is there and if our hearts are receptive, His glorious freedom will be poured out upon us!

Where the Spirit lives and works and moves there is freedom. We can have freedom from bondages, strongholds and the chains that have held us captive for so long. Where the Spirit is there can also be freedom from the slavery of sin and from its power, its guilt and pollution. Where the Lord's Spirit resides, if our hearts are wide open He reveals His truth to us which brings miraculous freedom into our life.

We are free to receive His beautiful gifts, mercy, grace, healing and the list goes on! I choose to leave the past behind, and as the Spirit of the Lord is in the midst to receive His overflowing, abundant freedom all the days of my life!

In His Glorious Freedom, 
Sandy Billingham

1 comment:

  1. Everything we have is what is given where the spirit of the Lord is. Since we have joined Him His spirit is with us. One of His many gifts is FREEDOM. We are free to receive His gifts and to follow Him. That is the most exciting freedom of all!

    God bless
