
"Keep Your Gaze Straight Ahead"...Wednesday

Life sometimes has a tendency to throw many curves at you! Truly every day is full of surprises! The most important thing to remember is to stay on the well beaten path Christ has laid out for us. In other words, as it says in Proverbs 4:27 

"Don't get sidetracked; 
keep your feet from following evil." 
(New Living Translation)
Daily, distractions are beckoning us. Sometimes those distractions are intense and bombarding us from all sides, and sometimes just plain annoying! At those given moments, we can give in to whatever those distractions may be or we can choose to fix our gaze on Jesus who is the author and finisher of our faith. As we gaze into His eyes we can also cling to His promises.

As we choose to fix our eyes steadfast on Jesus, the problems of this life seem to be lighter and God begins to melt our hearts and draws us to Him. As we maintain that gaze, we will experience His wonderful peace and confidence that He will take care of us.
Keep your gaze straight ahead continuously on Jesus, and you will soar higher then you ever thought possible!

In His Radical Love, 
Sandy Billingham

1 comment:

  1. It is important to keep our eye and mind on God and how to serve Him as well the goal we have for that task.

    God bless
