
"Pleasing Words Onto The Lord"...Wednesday


The older I get, the more aware I am of the words that I speak. I so want to please the Lord with the words that come forth from my mouth.

The Lord tells us in His word... 
 "For he that will love life, 
and see good days, 
let him refrain his 
tongue from evil, 
and his lips that 
they speak no guile."
1 Peter 3:10

That specific scripture is chock full of great wisdom. In essence He tells us that one of the main ingredients in having an abundant life is to refrain our tongue from speaking words that are devious, negative and deceitful. He goes on to say if we truly want to embrace the life He desires for us that we must speak no guile.

I will be the first one to say that I have fallen short of that many times. More times than I care to remember. I have had to repent numerous times and I am thankful that the Lord has been gracious to forgive me. I still have not arrived, but I think it finally sinking in.

I am choosing to love life and expecting good days ahead! That is what my Heavenly Father desires for me and I am not stopping here. I want the fullness of life from God and stand with open arms receiving all that the Father has for me.

In the Radical Love of Jesus, 
Sandy Billingham

1 comment:

  1. This is a very important habit to try to cultivate. Words spoken without consideration of the effect they have on others are destructive and not what God asks from us. This is a good thing to think about.

    God bless...
