
Life Interrupted....Monday

Our Youth Pastor preached in the Sunday services. On the drive home I was thinking how nice it is to have him available to step in when our Senior Pastor is ministering elsewhere. I imagined how it might interrupt his usual schedule to preach on a different day and have to rearrange his routine. Wow, I thought, it is so admirable how graciously he handles the change. "Lord," I prayed, "Please bless Pastor Jules as he does what he's asked to do for You without batting an eyelash." Then the thought came to me, "He is doing what he is called to do. The interruption is his calling." 

Then the light bulb went on in my head! The interruptions in our lives, are the life we are called to live, too. Interruptions can be relationship building moments, if we walk through them with grace. If we sweep them aside, lose our cool, complain about what else we are supposed to be doing, the result is negative.

We plan the way we want to live,
    but only God makes us able to live it.
Proverbs 16:9 MSG

Dear Lord, Please help me to recognize the importance of accepting interruptions as a part of life. Please give me the strength of purpose to be kind and gracious when my plan is interrupted. Help me to see each change, delay, or missed plan as part of Your plan. In Jesus name, amen.

Written by Mary M. Wilkins


  1. Every life has interruptions, and they are just that...something that put the kibosh on our plans. We can decide to get stressed out or we can chill down and go with the flow. It is important to realize that you cannot plan for interruptions. If we could they would not be interruptions. Did you ever stop to see the opportunity that an interruption presents. I am thinking of a day interrupted and a friend and I had to help find a damsel in dispair. I believe this interruption was offered by God to give us opportunity to do His work...and I am sticking to that.

  2. Thank you for sharing this. Now I will start noticing that interruptions could mean opportunities - they could be teaching moments as well - to learn patience, show more grace, bless someone, or simply to stop and pray. (Oh Lord, help me not to forget this.) Thank you again!
