
My Beautiful Self...Friday

August 8, 2014

God made me…on purpose!  He made all of us just exactly as He wanted.  There is only one of each of us….and that is the way we are meant to be….exactly as He created us!

 For we are God’s masterpiece. 
He has created us 
anew in Christ Jesus, 
so we can do 
the good things
 he planned for us long ago.

            Ephesians 2:10
          New Living Translation 


Can I just tell you right now how truly happy I am about this!  What a difference it makes in my life to know that I am truly the person I am supposed to be.  I do not have to worry about what others think of me any longer.  I work with a person that is very judgmental and opinionated, especially regarding the size of people.  More than once I have received a suggestion of what I should wear or not wear due to my weight.  Do you know how hard it is to be motivated to get up and come to work every day knowing that I may be looked down at, or receive a negative comment, because I am not within her size parameters?  Guess what my beautiful friends…..I don’t have to worry about that ever again or spend another second putting myself down because I don’t  live up to another human’s standards.

My dove is hiding behind the rocks,
behind an outcrop on the cliff.
Let me see your face;
let me hear your voice.
For your voice is pleasant,
and your face is lovely.
Song of Solomon 2:14
New Living Translation 
The more I get closer to God, the more I trust in His word; therefore taking so much comfort in it.  There is never going to be perfection on this side of heaven, and perfection is not the goal of our lives on earth anyway….Jesus is the goal!  We are all masterpieces of His creation, His plan, His love for all of us. You and I are so beautiful during each and every moment of each and every day.  Words cannot even express the joy that I feel knowing that I am a treasure in His eyes…..the only eyes that matter.

You are beautiful, my darling,
beautiful beyond words.
Your eyes are like doves
behind your veil.
Your hair falls in waves,
like a flock of goats winding 
   down the slopes of Gilead.
Song of Solomon 4:1
New Living Translation 

Written by 
Kelly Dobyns

Through My Father's Eyes,...........Lyrics:

So many days I listened to the voice inside my head
Never thought that I'd be someone who could be misled
I wanted the mirror to show me something I could not see
Needed explanations for expectations I could never reach

I know I'm not the only one who's ever cried for help
And Jesus did for me what I could not do myself

He changed my life by changing my mind
He healed all that was broken inside
I'm loving what I can see with His spirit alive in me
I'm finding beauty for the first time
Looking through my Father's eyes
(Looking through my Father's eyes)

From what I see it looks like you don't like yourself too much
When I hear you talk it sounds like you just feel like giving up
I know it's hard to see through what this world will tell you
'Cause misconceptions and false reflections will never be the truth

Just know you're not the only one who's ever cried for help
Jesus loves you in ways that you cannot love yourself

He changed my life by changing my mind
He healed all that was broken inside
I'm loving what I can see with His spirit alive in me
I'm finding beauty for the first time
Looking through my Father's eyes

I can see your freedom coming
You'll be a slave to nothing
When you see through my Father's eyes

He changed my life by changing my mind
He healed all that was broken inside
I'm loving what I can see with His spirit alive in me
I'm finding beauty for the first time
Looking through my Father's eyes

I can see your freedom coming (I can see your freedom coming)
You'll be a slave to nothing (You'll be a slave to nothing)

I'm finding beauty for the first time
Looking through my Father's eyes
(I'm finding beauty for the first time
Looking through my Father's eyes)


  1. Your words make me sit and bask in His approval of everyone whom He considers His treasures. Now if we could stop listening to the evil whisper in our ear that we are no good and look at the universe shouting His love to us in its beauty.

    God bless...

  2. Yes, Corinne...that is what is a continual process...changing out thoughts to the great love of our God. Amen
