

"Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful."
 Hebrews 10:23

     It is impossible to make it thorough life without some disappointments.  People disappoint us, circumstances disappoint us, broken promises disappoint us.

     There is One person who will, however, never disappoint us.  That is God.  What we must learn to do is seek God.  He is in control of every situation in the world and in our lives.  He has already been in the future and so can be trusted to walk with us into it.  We must learn to not give up but look to God with the eyes of faith.  

In this broken world with broken people, God alone is our hope, our light, and our salvation.  His love for us in His Son, Jesus, has proven this.  He has never broken a promise.  He alone is faithful.

     Want to count on something in this world?  Cling to the cross of Jesus Christ and God's amazing grace.

Written by 
Carol  Steficek

1 comment:

  1. In a world where disappointments are commonplace I feel blessed and honored that the God of the Universe is constantly at work to keep me from disappointment.

    God bless
