
" No Spectators Allowed"...Wednesday


I have noticed as we walk through this journey called life, that there are two kinds of people. You have the people that stand by from afar and spectate and then you have the people that are the participators. And as we well know, there is a time to spectate and there is a time to participate.
Participating plays a very important role if you are a child of the Most High God! God has given us His Word as a guideline on how to live out our lives onto Him. We cannot just read it and go about doing our own thing, but we must be obedient to His Word. He specifically tells us: 

 "Do not merely listen to the Word, 
and so deceive yourselves. 
Do what it says." 
James 1:22

In the life as a believer we are called to be a doer of the Word. We are to enter in and participate in serving the Lord wholeheartedly. We are not to stand idly by and watch other believers do it all. If we are feeling the nudge by the Holy Spirit to minister in a certain area, then we must launch out and and let the Lord use us powerfully! If we are feeling conviction by the Holy Spirit to live a certain way, then by all means, we must adhere to His beckoning.

There is truly no place for spectators in the Christian walk. Come to Jesus with a heart of obedience and a desire to participate, and be ready for a life of rich fulfillment!

In His Rich Love, 
Sandy Billingham


  1. Faith without good works is not what God is looking for in His people. Looks for us to spectate,,,AND THEN get the lesson and act on it to strengthen His kingdom, He looks for our participation. There is a song that asks, "If we are the body then why aren't our hands moving. We are his hands and feet and it is our honor to participate.

  2. Thank you for the encouragement to move forward with the works God has ordained for us to perform!
