
Stop Asking How.....Monday

Have you ever had your eyes examined? The practice of optometry has changed drastically over the last 80 years. Yes, they still use a chart on the wall. But the machines that have been designed to speed up and improve the accuracy of their prescriptions are fascinating. When I ask my optometrist how a machine works, he patiently explains what each machine does and how the technology helps him to spot even the smallest variation, defect, or symptom of disease. How things work can be very interesting.

When the visiting pastor said "You're stuck on how" I didn't even flinch or have the slightest resistance. I knew right away, yes, I am stuck on how

I am sorry to say that I am very slow to change or to listen. Because I am an expert at excuses I can be aware of an internal nudge for a very long time and not act on it. When I run out of excuses, I then resist knowing what I should be doing by asking God how. I'll say to Him, "If I do this, how are You going to make such and such happen?" It sounds so brazen as I write it and I can see the fear and doubt that have clouded my thinking. Clearly, I am stuck. 

I can stop asking how because I know God is trustworthy, faithful and true. I can just get up in the morning and do what each day requires. As I do those things I pray that my words, thoughts, and actions please the God who watches over each of us, protecting us, and leading us.

Dear Lord, thank You for Your word that says we should seek wisdom and understanding (see Proverbs 4) and for showing us that we can understand that You have a plan, and trust You, without knowing how You are going to handle it. Thank You for patiently showing us how to walk in Your truth. In Jesus name, amen.

Written by Mary M. Wilkins


  1. Our HOW to God, reminds me of the many WHY'S our children use to ask that often would frustrate me.Love today's teaching. Karen

  2. This is such a good point. As God with holds the "how" I think sometimes He is building and increasing our faith. Perhaps He is also keeping us from interfering with His perfect execution or carrying out of the "how."

  3. Well said, Mary. I need to stop wondering "how" and get on with it -now!
