


"Jesus answered, 
'If you want to be perfect,
 go, sell your possessions 
and give to the poor, 
and you will have treasure in heaven.  
Then come, follow me.'" 
Matthew 19:21

     Many of you will be familiar with the story of the rich young ruler.  He felt he had kept all of God's commandments yet felt he lacked something to attain eternal life.  Jesus' response saddened him and he walked away.

     Are you trapped in materialism, some sin of indulgence, the quest for fame or power?  Yet, do you still feel trapped and long for something else?

     Only Jesus can give you what you need.  It is by giving up ourselves and our own desires and being enveloped by His love for us that we can be truly fulfilled and happy in this life.


     Amazingly enough, we give up everything we are and have and end up with more than wcan imagine.  God's blessings overflow with His presence with us and His care for us.  We lack nothing and we are free to live and be ourselves in Him.

Written by 
Carol Steficek

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