
"Eternally Transformed"...Wednesday


Recently I was with a good friend of mine that knows me extremely well. We were having a great time together chatting and joking around. At one point, though, she went to far on the joking level and really pushed the envelope way out of proportion. It was as if she had thrown ice cold water in my face, and she actually didn't think a thing about it. I calmly changed the subject and we went about our day. I spent some time with the Lord about it, and he brought me peace with the situation.

The part of the conversation that I had with my friend that was disheartening was that she threw my past up in my face as if it was still a part of me. Yes, it was in a joking manner but was done distastefully and a complete lie from the pits of hell. I still have not comfronted her and maybe never will, but the Lord reminds me daily who I am in Him.

His Word says...
"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; 
old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new."
 2 Corinthians 5:17 

After giving my life to Christ, I am now a brand new creation in His eyes.  My past is fully behind me, forgotten and forgiven in Jesus. I am now truly a Princess and Well Loved, Cherished Daughter of the MOST HIGH GOD!!! All guilt, shame and condemnation have been flushed away never to taunt me again!!

I rejoice daily that my life is hidden in Christ and that I am a radically and eternally transformed creation of His! I wouldn't have it any other way.

In His Amazing Love, 
Sandy Billingham

1 comment:

  1. This is the ultimate gift or salvation that we can become brand new and never be who we were before....brand new...free forever

    God bless
