
My Land of Procrastination....Monday


Hello, and welcome to my kingdom. Some people would describe this kingdom as a wishful thinking place. I like that picture!

  • I wish I didn't need to confront my loved one about that thing they said or did. 
  • I wish I didn't need to look at my finances with eyes wide open so that I can plan instead of just making do.
  • I wish I didn't need to look at my own attitudes and behaviors.
  • I wish that everyone understood each other without words so that I would never need to stand up for myself! Well, not really, I am over that one. But it's a tough place to be when you are there.

I do show up for work, doctor appointments, the dentist, parties, and dinner at a restaurant. What I don't always show up for is the hard conversations and relationship work that is required to keep my connections healthy and real.

You might have noticed that all of my procrastination issues seem to be about avoiding conflict. I saw that too. I wish I could just pray and God would make everything better. As in, He would make all of these issues disappear without my having to do anything!

I can do all things through Christ 
who strengthens me. 
Philippians 4:7 KJV

Dear Lord, thank You for loving me and drawing me up out of my weakness. As I choose to do a hard thing, I will trust that no matter the outcome, that You are still with me. In Jesus name, amen.

Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith;
 be courageous; be strong.
I Corinthians 16:13 NIV

Written by 
Mary M. Wilkins

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