
"Our Lord Withholds No Good Thing"...Wednesday


Yesterday I was talking to a sweet missionary friend who soon will be ministering in North Ireland for the second time. As she shared her needs with me she was confidently reminding herself that God would provide for her; especially in the area of finances. She was quickly reminded of the verse that says...

"For the Lord God is a sun and shield, 
the Lord bestows favor and honor; 
no good thing does He withhold 
from those who walk uprightly." 
Psalm 84:11

That in fact is one of my favorite scriptures, and I declare it onto Him daily. For we know that as His children He is everything His Word says to us. He is our light and shelter. He graciously lavishes His favor and honor upon us. And He delights in blessing us abundantly with good things. Just as we as parents love to bestow gifts onto our children, our Abba Daddy loves to do the same in a way that only He can do!

Psalm 84:11 is a "gold nugget package deal" if you are indeed a child of His. It is chock full of His goodness because that is who our Heavenly Father is. Walking with Jesus and investing in His Kingdom far outweighs anything this world has to offer. My hearts rejoices to know the depth of love my Father has for me and to experience His provision beyond my wildest dreams!!!

In His Radical Goodness! 
Sandy Billingham

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