


"And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord's glory, 
are being transformed 
into his likeness..." 
II Corinthians 3:18a

     Receiving the love of God into your heart and being born again of the Holy Spirit means change.  Receiving from God always means change.  Once we receive we cannot remain the same.

     We see this in the way we now long to be closer to God.  So we look forward to worshipping the Lord in church with fellow believers.  We value the time we study the Bible and learn what God has to say to us.  We pray without ceasing and know God listens to us.  We serve other in our community with our time and
money.  We share our talents in our congregations to promote the growth of the church and bring other into fellowship with us.

     If we truly remain in Him we will change.  If you're still the same as you were a year ago or five years ago, then you need to evaluate your life in Christ.  Life in Christ is a life-long process of transformation.  The Spirit brings transformation not stagnation.  In Him you will not remain the same.

Written by
Carol Steficek

1 comment:

  1. Remain close to God and be changed. this is an important comcept of how to shine and grow into God's realm.

    God bless
