


"...fight the good fight, 
holding on to faith and 
a good conscience."
 I Timothy 1:18b-19a

     If you look at all of the disciples of Jesus, after His resurrection they became bold preachers and teachers of His message.  All but John died martyr's deaths.    

 Some 2000 years later we are finding the same thing to be true.  Many people are coming to faith in Jesus from all nationalities and walks of life.  Christianity is still the fastest growing religion in the world.  People are still dying for the faith.  In 2011 over 100,000 Christians world-wide were martyred for their faith.

     Paul states in one of his last epistles that he had kept the faith.  He literally gave up everything to bring the gospel of Jesus Christ to the Gentile nations.  He suffered much hardship and persecution in doing so.  He said that he counted everything rubbish in comparison to his faith in the Lord Jesus.  He also died for his faith at the hands of the Romans.

     When you think about it, faith in the Lord is all we need in this life and all that matters for the next.  Do everything you can to nourish your gift of faith and hold on to it.

Written by
Carol Steficek

1 comment:

  1. When you think of all the people who would not deny their faith to save their lives we have an awesome testimony of faith enhanced by courage. Just imagine facing a beheading or a firing squad and standing strong. Faith is the steel of what makes us true followers of God. When we hang onto it,our lives take on meaning and are pleasing to Him.
