


what manner of love 
the Father 
has bestowed on us,
 that we should be called 
children of God! 
1John 3:1

See, Know, Experience, Cherish, pay attention, visit, become aware by seeing, hearing, touching what manner, quality of love, this unselfish love. This love of God for humankind, the founder of a family, the originator and author of a family has bestowed, gave, committed, supply, deliver, to reach out, extend, gave forth from himself on us, that we should be called, give name to, bear a name or title, receive as a name children, offspring of God.

Who was it that God bestowed gave forth from Himself?  He gave His only begotten son, pertaining to being the only one of His kind, sharing the same nature as God's.

Why did He do this?  So whoever believes in, trust in, clings to, relies on Jesus shall not perish, be destroyed or ruined or cease to exist, but that they would have eternal, everlasting life.

Beloved, I did not send my son into this world to condemn you, reject or pass sentence on you, to point an accusing finger at you.  I did not come to tell you how awful you are, but that through Jesus you might be saved.

Written by 
Kathryn Hanson

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