
Computer Issues....Monday

Do you work on a computer at your job or at home? Have you ever been frustrated because you can't get it to do today what it did yesterday? I certainly have! Or, I am pretty sure there is an easier way to do what I am doing, but I can't figure it out.

Speaking of frustration and "Can't figure it out"-that's the scenario I face with myself everyday! The right and good things I want to do-I don't. The things I don't want to do-I do. I am comforted that Paul tells us clearly in the scripture that this is a problem that is common to all of us (see Romans 7:15 and 1st Corinthians 10:13).

What if the same way computers stop functioning well because there's 'stuff' clogging up the programming I am a big mess inside? Do I need to have my own 'disks cleaned' in my heart and mind? 

Is there is a virus in my mind? I see the negative and anticipate the worst. Do I let my mind wander to and fro? Am I so distracted that my mind cannot settle or focus on those things that are pure, good, excellent, and worthy of praise? I try to figure out the answers to the problems in my life-and when I can't find a solution, then I pray but I still worry. But what can be done to help any of us overcome our issues?

1. Strengthen our Faith- read God's Word, obey what we know.

2. Renew our mind- exercise our brain by focusing on God's truth, tell every negative thought "No!"

3. Keep good company-do not be fooled, bad company corrupts good character.

4. Do not worry-pray about everything.

5. Have a grateful attitude-thank God for everything He's already done, and everything He is doing.

6. Trust Him - speak to the doubts in our heads: "My God can deliver me from anything, but even if He doesn't, I will trust Him!"  

Stay with God!

    Take heart. Don’t quit.
I'll say it again:
Stay with God.
Psalm 27:14 MSG

Dear Lord, thank You for showing me that I cannot succeed by continuing on a wrong path because it will somehow come out right in the end. I am choosing to set aside my way of doing things, and thought by thought, turn my focus from me to You. In Jesus name, amen.

Written by 
Mary M Wilkins

"Greater is He" performed by Sixteen Cities

1 comment:

  1. We would do well to pray the prayer that Mary has posted. If you offer to turn your focus to Him it will be meaningful and will lead to blessings from him that will guide us in the way we should live.

    God bless...
