
God Is Here...Tuesday


 A couple of years ago our music leader at church
performed the piece that I have included from you tube
at the bottom of this devotional.
The words she performed transfixed the entire congregation of 
Celebration Christian Center, Livermore, CA

It was called God is here and here are a few words
to think of on this concept...

Never doubt that He is here/near...
*We can see Him in the lights that shine in the sky day and night.
*We can feel the warmth when He lets His face shine upon us.
*We experience Him when a "COINCIGOD" happens 
just happens to be an answer to a prayer we have prayed.

          He is the light of the world
and  He upholds us in his glorious light.
Without Him we have no chance.
With Him we are given eternity.

Where is here?
Here is all around us.
Here is inside us, above us, and below us.
We live in an ocean of His being here.

Believe it!
Yes! Believe it!
He is right here where you are!

This is who He is.
This is how He cares for us.
This is what He does for us!

Be aware of your incredible blessing
received because of the nearness of God!

Written by 
Corinne Mustafa

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