
God Provides...Friday

October 31, 2014

Living paycheck to paycheck most of my adult life, there have been so many times that I have just barely gotten by. The one constant through all of these years is that my God has provided, just as He has always promised since the very beginning of time. 

 Everything that lives 
and moves about will be
 food for you. 
Just as I gave you 
the green plants, 
I now give you everything.
Genesis 9:3  (NIV)

This promise was just proven to me once again as there is currently still quite a bit of month left, but, not so much of the paycheck.  As much as I don’t worry like I used to during these times, it still is an amazing relief when I see how He has provided for me once again.  I find myself smiling and saying, “See, there He goes again, saving me”.   What a truly wonderful truth to live in, to know and be confident in a love from my God who will always, always be holding me up and getting me through all of my moments.

It humbles me and at the same time grows my faith in great mounds knowing the enormous love I have received and will always continue to receive just as my Lord God has promised.  I look back over the years of my life and see how my faith has grown….all because He has proven Himself to me oh so many times.  He has never given up on me, even as I try the same things over and over again getting the same results.  He is always there to pick me up and provide just exactly what it is that I need at that very moment in time.  I am ever so happy to see that I have grown so much more aware of how much He does for me, and knowing this, I am truly a better person which is shown through my actions.  It can be seen on the outside that my inside is so much more at peace due to living my life in such a better spirit of love through Christ.

So, whatever the struggle, whatever the need, always remembers He has and He will forever continue to provide and fill ever need!

 And my God will meet all your needs 
according to the riches of his glory 
in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:19   (NIV)

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1 comment:

  1. When we have the trust to depend on Him we will have help with our issues and He will guide us through our challenges

    God blless
