


"But as for me, I watch in hope for the Lord, 
I wait for God my Savior; my God will hear me." 
Micah 7:7

     People look to a lot of things to get them through a day, or a crisis.  We look to parents, best friends, the pastor of our church, psychologists, self-help books, advice from the internet -- just about anything a person can think of.

     Why is it that sometimes even Christians look at anything or anyone else to help and then go to the Lord as the last resort when all else fails?


We should be going to God for all of our needs, for all of the wisdom we need, for all of the guidance we seek.  God is the One who holds the universe in His hands.  He is the God who knows and sees all and has our best interests at heart.  God knows each of us individually better than we know ourselves -- He made us.


 In addition, God has promised to hear our prayers.  Sometimes other people would really like to help us but just can't for various reasons or in various circumstances.  God doesn't have any limitations on His ability to help.  Plus His unconditional love for us in Jesus is never ending.

    The next time you get to the end of your rope -- let go.  God is already waiting there for you!

Written by
Carol Steficek

1 comment:

  1. I am the leader of the choir in this concept. I always think that I can get input from people that I admire. Sometimes this is true as they speak into my life with what God has given them. However the first source of God's thoughts and insights is God Himself. WE MUST LOOK TO GOD FIRST!!

    God bless...
