


Sometimes our moments in time seem to be measured by the celebrations we prepare for and partake in.
There are so many things to celebrate. Birthdays seem to take up a great deal of time and expense as we recognize that God danced on the day "so and so" was born. If we are lucky we do not face month after month with a plethora  of birthdays not to mention anniversaries and other celebrations. These are the familial festivities that we all have. We can celebrate the growth in age of people who are close and loved. Celebrations are good!

In addition to participating in family merriment on auspicious occasions there are the commemorations of religious and political holidays. We hold many of them dear. To mention a few there is Easter and Christmas to participate in the important spiritual events that are important to us. Suddenly it does not feel much difference than all the other observations we have. The spiritual is quickly observed, and we move on to the rest. The Fourth of July is another national celebration. We have made it into a filled with fury time to say Happy Birthday to America...and the fury it is filled with is not just the fireworks. We plan picnics, trips to the beach, a summer vacation and the list goes on and on.

I think the bottom line of what I am talking about is work, work, work. By the time the day or days are finished we are exhausted. There has been fun, but at what cost? We join back into our normal lives more exhausted than when we started. The celebrations that we have looked forward to have turned out to be more than we planned for...more work...more exhaustion...more expense. 

In the process we lose time and feel like there is never enough time for what must get done in the in between times. It is part of a "rat race" where the "head rat" is losing the race. I am one who lives this many days. Something has to go, but what? In our modern world, where everything seems to be done to excess, it is important to prioritize. I once sold Mary Kay and the motto of that company was Faith first, then Family, and then business...or for my purposes things that fall outside of the first two categories. The way to succeed in this is to wake a bit early and put God first. Give Him time at the start of the day, and this will also bless us throughout our day. There are no solutions to the pull of the third category unless we are willing to scale down and not to try to have our celebrations be as much of a bash as a celebrity wedding.  Putting God first into our day will go a long way to having a life that fits into the time we have in a more comfortable way. Celebrate God!

But I cry to you for help, Lord;
 in the 
prayer comes before you.
Psalm 88:13

...Everyone who loves is born of God and experiences a relationship with God... He loved us and sent His Son as a sacrifice to clear away our sins and the damage they've done to our relationship with God.
                                                                      1 John 4:7-10    MSG                                                      

Written by 
Corinne Mustafa

This is what God thinks of His creation and the relationship He feels for us.

1 comment:

  1. Spending an early time of the day with God opens up communication and awareness that carries through the day reminding us that we can send up feather prayers to Him which is a kind of fellowship that blesses us and pleases Him.

    God bless...
