
GLORIFY GOD...Saturday


"And they praised God because of me." 
Galatians 1:24

     There are many stories of how God has transformed lives.  People who are miraculously healed of diseases, or addictions, people averting accidents, marriages that have been given new life -- there are many examples of God working in their lives.

Whether your life has had some spectacular moments in it or not, all of the lives of Christians are a testimony to God's working in their lives.  Jesus wiped away our sins by His shed blood and has clothed us in His righteousness.  We have become new creatures by the power of the Holy Spirit.

     All people should be able to see how Christians live different lives to glorify God by their words and deeds.  Christians should be out in the community serving other people.  Christians should display the gifts of the spirit when others aren't  -- patience, kindness, mercy, forgiveness, and above all, love.

     Transformed lives should be a living testimony to the grace of God and bring Him glory in all things.  Can people see God in you?

Written by 
Carol Steficek

1 comment:

  1. So many times you hear of someone who has been observing the life of a Christian and the evidence of the gifts in his or her life and they say, "I want to have what you have." What a testimony to leading a life filled with the gifts of the spirit as well as a testimony to our love for the Lord.

    God bless...
