
ARE YOU READY?... Sunday

Devotional for 12/21/14

The closer we get to Christmas, the more often we are asked, "Are you ready for Christmas?"  There are lots of things that we do to get ready for this holiday, though each of us may have a different line up of activities, some of those items more pressing than others.  The things we hopefully have completed in time may include the sending out of Christmas cards perhaps with a letter tucked inside, mailing out packages in order to arrive by the correct day, baking goodies in order to hand them out the last time we see someone before Christmas, cleaning of the house before guests arrive or we depart, decorating the house inside and out for a special party or showing, etc.  I always say, "I'm ready enough - whatever gets done, gets done."

At least with the above activities we generally have a specific deadline by which to complete them.  However, if we miss that deadline, it typically isn't a life or death situation.  But what about being ready for Christ?  We all know that some day we will die or the Lord will return at his second coming, and we will face judgement day.  The problem is none of us knows exactly when that day will come.  We have to be ready at any time to meet our maker.  

Matthew 24:44 and Luke 12:40 (NIV)  [Jesus said:]  You also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him.

What does it take to be ready for that day?  Some believe they must perform good works in order to be saved.  Others believe it is fate, that everyone is predestined either to go to heaven or to hell.  Still others believe that our loving God will save everyone because he could never be so heartless as to condemn someone to eternal suffering.  But we know that what it takes is faith which is given to us by the Holy Spirit - not rejecting the free gift of eternal life given to us by God the Father through his Son, Jesus Christ, whose birth we are soon to celebrate.  Because of that true believers will do good works out of thankfulness for that free gift.  But that is not what saves us - faith does that.  We nurture our faith through fellowship with other Christians and with God, and then we share the love of God with other people.  How is your faith?  Are you ready?

Romans 3:22-24 (NIV) This righteousness from God comes through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe... for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.
Romans 3:22 (41 kb)

Dear Father in heaven, thank you for sending your Son to earth in order to later die in our place and rise again for our forgiveness and salvation.  Help us to remain ready for his return!  Amen.

written by Jan Andersen  


  1. I think I am close to ready. I have prayed for those friends and family that I plan to gift as I made the presents and wrapped them. I have tried to keep the idea central that "Jesus is the reason for the season," One thing that I enjoy is the sweet sense of warmth that seems to be over everything.

    God bless...

  2. My heart is ready at any time for Christ to return, because I remain faithful - that is all that is required!
