
"God Answers Our Heart's Cry"...


I love the fact that our Heavenly Father is always Faithful and He is never a God that He should lie. When God tells us something in His Word, He will bring it to pass.
A specific verse that caught my eye today was out of Mark 11:24. It says...
"Therefore I say to you 
whatever things you ask when you pray, 
believe that you receive them, and you will have them." 

What is captivating to me in that verse is that when our lives are in order with God and the things we ask of are in line with His Word and His will for us, He promises that He will absolutely answer.
He tells us that whatever we ask we shall have, if we will but believe and receive them, they shall be fulfilled. It doesn't say maybe or possibly or hopefully, but His verse says that we will have those things that we have asked for.
That is Good News to me!! We serve a God that truly hears and answers our prayers! I anticipate God's Greatness as I pray in every new day!!
In His Wonderful Love, 
Sandy Billingham

1 comment:

  1. God DOES answer our prayers...maybe not immediately or in the way we request but He is open to our requests. He will grant them if they are in sync with His wishes on our behalf. Just keep praying.

    God bless...
