
GOD'S PLAN...Saturday


"Then the Lord said to Joshua,
 "See, I have delivered Jericho into your hands..."
Joshua 6:1a

You will note in the above passage that the Lord was telling Joshua something that was already done, although it was still in the future.  God had His plan, and it was accomplished.

     And what a plan it was.  Walk around the city for 7 days and the walls would simply fall down.  That doesn't sound like a very military move to me.

     Have you ever been moved in your spirit to do something that didn't make sense?  God frequently deals with challenges in our lives which require us to simply move ahead and obey in faith.  The reason is that God alone wants the credit for the accomplishment.

     I've had this happen to me more than once in my life.  The only thing you can say in the end is: " Look what the Lord did for me!" It is amazing.

     So when you are sure of God's plan for some endeavor in your life, simply step out in faith.  He will accomplish His will, and nothing will stand in His way.

Written by
Carol Steficek

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