
"He Is Near To The Broken Hearted"...Wednesday

It gives me great comfort to know that our Lord is near to us when we are broken hearted and experiencing troubles. He will help us in every trouble we ever walk through. He will never abandon us.
Let's take a look at His Promises in Psalms 34:18-19 

"The Lord is near to those
 who have a broken heart, 
And saves such as have a contrite spirit. 
Many are the afflictions of the righteous,
But the Lord delivers him out of them all."
He knew of every hardship and difficulty that we would ever encounter. He has given us great assurance that whatever we endure, that He will deliver us out of everything!
Our Abba Daddy is ever so near to us. He fiercely loves His Children and will never hesitate or pass over us in times of hardships. It is a given that He will reach down and comfort us, give us great peace and bring us up out of our dilemmas in His perfect timing.
We serve a Mighty God that takes the very best of care of His Kids!!
In His Mighty Love,
 Sandy Billingham


  1. We should always try to keep this promise in mind. At times things happen that we cannot help but be broken by. There are sorrows in life, but we have a Father who is there for us. We may have those times when joy is not abounding but we can be sure that God is there to take care of us. When He does we have grown and learned something that we need to know.

    God bless...

  2. It is amazing to look back at times of sorrow in my past and realize that He really was there, offering His comfort. Even when I was not on speaking terms with Him, His love was there!
