

Devotional for 12/31/14
Today I began to really take note of the reason for the things that I choose to do. I love the Lord, I love His Word and love to serve Him in any way I am able. The clincher for me though, is when I do set out to serve Him, are my motives truly pure??? When I am helping someone, or serving at church or even praying for someone... am I doing it fully unto the Lord?  Am I doing it for a pat on the back? Am I doing it to feel good about myself??? These are all legitimate questions for me. I know I always set out with my heart to please God, but sometimes I can lose sight of the total purpose in the midst of the serving.
I think even the Pharisees' motives at first were somewhat for a worthy cause, but we know their hearts were far from God. They went through the motions, because that is just the way it was for them for years and years. That is the way they were taught and they allowed their flesh to have dominion in their hearts.
My point is, that if what I set my hand to do, whatever that may be, God has called me to do it fully unto Him with His pure love. If I am not walking and serving with His love, then I may as well not do anything at all. No-one will benefit and it will be all in vain.

You see His Word tells us in 1 Corinthians 13:3 "Even if I give away everything that I have and sacrifice myself, but have no love, I gain nothing." The bottom line is that I must be sure that I am fully on board with the Love of Christ or I may as well hang it up.
The good news is that when we do serve the Lord with His all consuming love that His love never fails!!

In His All Consuming Love,
Sandy Billingham

1 comment:

  1. Well said...and the love we give away comes back to us in our knowledge that we have good thoughts and caring of others.

    God bless
