
NEAR TO GOD... Saturday 1/31/15

Devotional for 1/31/15

"God did this so that men would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from each one of us." -- Acts 17:27
Acts 17:27 (153 kb)

     One of the main differences between Christianity and all other religions is that we have a God who is near to us,.  Other religions believe their god is way out there somewhere and they can only gain access to him by meditation and doing things to merit the next life.  They think he created everything and then just left the world and all of us on our own.

     Our Triune God is with us every moment of every day.  Just because we do not 'see' Him, or 'feel' His closeness or 'think' He is close doesn't matter.  Faith is the confirmation of an unseen reality.  It is not based on what we do or don't do.

     God wants us to find Him.  He wants a relationship with each of us.  Christianity isn't a 'religion' -- it's a RELATIONSHIP with our God made possible by Jesus.  The Holy Spirit comes to dwell in us through baptism and makes this relationship a reality to us. 

     So the Christian walks through this life walking near to God, not by sight but by faith.  Put your faith in the God who longs to be near you.
written by Carol Steficek

Song:  Walk By Faith - Jeremy Camp

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