
Trust In The Lord 100%!... Wednesday

Devotional for 1/14/15

I was listening to a friend share today on the many hardships she has endured in her life over the years. She has had to literally learn from scratch what it means to fully put her trust in God.

I can definitely relate to her struggles. And it truly is never easy to be able to trust in the Lord with everything that is in us. But that is what He has asked His people to do.

Let's take a look at the passage in Proverbs 3:5A  It says "Trust in the Lord with All your heart." And when His Word says All... God means All! We can't trust in the Lord half-heartedly and expect to experience His peace and rest when half of us are trying to do things in our own strength.

Proverbs 3:5-6 (41 kb)

The Lord is super sincere when He tells us to trust Him with All of our Hearts. He knows when we do, it is then, and only then will we benefit profoundly. When there is that full surrender of trusting Him, all the striving, stress and anxiety will cease. In exchange for that the Lord will grant us great peace and rest and more in His presence.
Now I would say that is more than anyone could ever bargain for! The best deal ever!
In His Trusting Care,


1 comment:

  1. For me the stumbling block to the perfection of this is that I am impatient and prone to give up thinking that God does not will for me to have what I desire and pray to Him for. I try to remember that my timing is not God's timing and that His thoughts are way above my thoughts. It is a work in progress.

    God bless...
